Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Cathedrals or Bricks?

In class you watched a video from HLN about Cooper that I used to talk about being excited for the "NEW."  Click on the link to watch it again.  It's a NEW semester and I want you to be excited for NEW material and NEW challenges. You have 5 more months in Biology to do great things.  What mindset do you plan on driving you? READ the story below:

"Once there were 3 bricklayers. Each one of them was asked what they were doing.The first man answered gruffly, 'I'm laying bricks.'The second man replied, 'I'm putting up a wall.'But the third man said enthusiastically and with pride, 'I'm building a cathedral.'" --Author Unknown

To summarize, when you face challenges, when you feel discouraged, when you feel like you will never reach success, remember the story of The Three Bricklayers and evaluate your mindset and visualize the "Big Picture!"  Look at your challenges as an opportunity to do great things and celebrate, like Cooper, the fact that you do have a new semester ahead of you.

Attitude: "...mastering change rather than allowing it to master you." It's all in your attitude!

See the "Big Picture:" "Give yourself an even greater challenge than the one you are trying to master and you will develop the strength necessary to overcome the original difficulty." William Bennett

1. Describe what you LEARNED about yourself as a student during 1st Semester.     

2. What are your GOALS for 2nd semester? How can you move closer to the completion of that cathedral? What can you do differently? What can you TEACH those around you? Inspire your classmates and yourself with your response.